Hassle free, NFT - collateralized loans

Access liquidity using any HRC721 NFT without giving up ownership.
Read the documentation


  • Lock up any HRC721 token as collateral for a loan request under the 'Borrow' tab.
  • Setup loan request parameters, including loan amount, interest amount, and maximum interest periods
  • Any lender can underwrite your loan request after reviewing the terms
  • After loan is funded, you can extend the loan period upto the maximum interest periods
  • Upon repayment of the loan with interest within the time specified, the LoansNFT.sol contract releases your NFT back to you
  • If you fail to repay the loan within the promised time, the NFT collateral is transferred to the creditor


  • Go to lending page, to review currently open loan requests.
  • Evaluate the terms of each P2P loan. Consider weather you would be willing to accept the collateral NFT offered by the user, in case they default on the loan.
  • When you find a request with terms that you like, click on 'underwrite loan'. You will be asked to pay the loan amount, which will be transferred to the borrower. The NFT will be held in escrow until the loan is repaid.
  • Whenever the borrower repays the loan, the loan + interest amount will be directly transferred to your wallet. No further steps needed on your part!
  • In case the loan term has expired but the borrower has not repaid it, you can foreclose the loan and claim the collateral NFT.